
Avoiding the common mistakes when drafting an online Will

  • 2023-10-24

In the virtual age, the benefits of crafting online documents, including wills, are being reaped by one and all. While this technique can be more expedient and problem-free than traditional methods, there are still commonplace pitfalls that individuals can fall into. 

This article outlines some of the everyday errors human beings make when drafting an online will and the way to steer clear of them.

1. Not Reviewing Country-specific Requirements

Each country has specific requirements and laws regarding wills. While online tools might offer a general format, it's essential to ensure that your will adheres to the legal stipulations of your specific jurisdiction. Not doing so can render your will invalid. Country specific Will making sites will ensure that the laws of the land are adhered to.

2. Neglecting Witnesses

Many jurisdictions require that a will has to be witnessed to be considered valid. The specifics of who can be a witness and how many you need might also range. When making a will online, it is easy to overlook this vital step, however neglecting it can nullify your document.

3. Being Vague

One consideration while drafting a will is to make sure that there is no ambiguity in your wishes. Avoid standard, generalized statements.This clarity will lessen the threat of disputes among your heirs. Modualr, Adaptive, Intelligent automation can generate online Wills in precise legal language.

4. Not Updating Regularly

Life is fluid, with constant changes. Marriages, births, asset acquisitions, or even reconciliations can all affect how you'd like your estate to be distributed. Making a will online and then forgetting about it can be a grave mistake. Review and update your will regularly to account for life stage changes.

5. Ignoring Contingencies 

It's critical to consider distinctive situations while drafting your will. For example, if you give away an asset to a particular beneficiary and they predecease you, where ought that asset go? By putting in contingencies, you ensure that your estate is controlled in step with your desires, irrespective of those instances.

6. Not Including All Assets

People sometimes overlook certain assets when creating their will, especially if they're doing it without professional guidance. Digital assets, sentimental items, and even future acquisitions can be missed. Ensure you make a comprehensive list of your assets and update it regularly.

7. Using Complicated Jargon

Your will should be clear, simple, and straightforward. Using complicated jargon or unclear language can lead to misunderstandings and disputes. Write your wishes in a language that's easy for your executors and beneficiaries to understand. A good online site will take inputs in easy language and convert it into legal language.

9. Overlooking the Appointment of an Executor 

The executor is the one responsible for ensuring your will's instructions are performed. It's an important position, and also you must select someone sincere, successful, and willing to take on this obligation. Don’t simply anticipate someone will do it; specify your choice in your will.

10. Storing Your Will 

Ensure your will is stored securely, and the necessary people (like your executor) know how to access it when the time comes.

How QuikDox can help you Make your will without mistakes?

Drafting a will is a critical task that requires precision, clarity, and adherence to legal standards. This is where QuikDox steps in. As a 100% online, instant, self-help WILL making tool, QuikDox is designed to guide users seamlessly through the process of drafting a foolproof will, ensuring that mistakes are avoided.

Security is paramount in relation to such confidential documents. Recognizing this, QuikDox carries robust encryption practices. Your data, whether at rest or in-transit, is encrypted using AES-256 GCM encryption, ensuring utmost confidentiality. Furthermore, we utilize advanced SSL/TLS settings and HTTPS headers, permitting you to navigate our website with confidence, understanding your records are protected.

QuikDox is not just about encryption; it's also about application safety. We prioritize filtering and sanitizing all user input to safeguard against potential code injection and XSS attacks. With our code undergoing rigorous reviews to guarantee adherence to the best security practices, and an added layer of protection powered by Site Lock, you can rest assured of a secure experience.

Last but not least, QuikDox takes operational integrity seriously. We strictly regulate access to user data, ensuring it's never shared without due permission. 

With QuikDox, you're not just drafting an online will; you're embracing a platform that merges convenience with security, all while ensuring compliance with best practices. 

As a DPIIT recognized startup under the Startup India program, we are dedicated to offering automation in numerous documents to simplify your life. Choose QuikDox for a seamless and mistake-free will drafting experience.

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