
How to Make a Will Online with Quikdox

  • 2023-09-12

Estate management is an important part of responsible financial planning. It makes  sure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you’re gone, giving you and your loved ones peace of mind. Drafting a will is an important part of  planning how to divide your wealth between your loved ones so that there is no feud amongst the family members, and modern technology has made this process easier and more convenient than ever before. In this blog, we discover how you may use QuikDox, an progressive online format, to report your will more efficiently.

Importance of a will 

Before we dive into the QuikDox platform, let’s understand why preferences are important. Wills serve several main purposes: 

A. Estate distribution: Your will determines how your estate should be distributed among your beneficiaries. This includes financial assets, real estate, personal effects, and more.

B. Minors: If you have minor children, a will can designate specific persons to take care of their share in the event of your death. 

C. Appoint an executor: You can name an executor in your will, someone who is responsible for administering your estate and making sure your wishes are carried out. 

D. Avoiding conflict: A well-drafted will can help reduce the potential for conflict between family members by providing clear instructions. 

E. Reduce taxes: Proper estate planning can also help reduce the tax burden on your estate, which will benefit your beneficiaries.

QuikDox is an online platform designed to simplify the process of creating a legally valid will. It provides a smooth-to-use interface and step-through-step instructions to help you write your needs quickly and confidently. Here's a way to get started with QuikDox.

A. Sign up: Start by signing up for a QuikDox account. You will need to provide some basic information. QuikDox will never ask you for any identity proof document or number like Aadhar, PAN etc.

B. Entering Personal Information: QuikDox will guide you in entering personal information, including your name, date of birth and contact information. 

C. Beneficiaries: Determine who or who will receive your estate and what percentage of each estate they will receive. You can also designate additional beneficiaries. 

D. Minors: If you have young children, QuikDox allows you to name specific persons who will take care of their share till they attain majority.

E. Assets: You will need to list your assets, such as bank accounts, investments, real estate, jewelry, vehicles and personal belongings. This is optional. Depending on your comfort you can make a detailed Will or just skip this step and make a generic Will.

F. Choosing an Executor: Choose someone to administer your estate and make sure your instructions are followed as outlined in your will. This is optional step.

Legal compliance and document security 

One of the main concerns when using an online will registry is whether the resulting document will be legally valid. QuikDox takes this seriously and ensures that your wishes are aligned with the legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Here’s how to do it:

A. Legal Awareness: QuikDox employs legal experts who keep you abreast of the latest laws and regulations and the document you get is prepared in precise legal language.

B. Document storage: QuikDox provides secure document storage, allowing you to access and update your preferences as needed. It is important to update your will to reflect any changes in your circumstances or preferences. 

C. Guide: QuikDox shows you how to properly sign, and attest, your will, an important step to ensuring its legality.

Cost-effective estate planning

Traditional methods of estate planning, such as hiring an attorney, can be expensive. QuikDox offers a cost-effective alternative, allowing you to create a legally valid will without breaking the bank. Here's how to save your money: 

A. Affordable: Using QuikDox allows you to avoid the high fees associated with drafting your will. You derive the benefit of document automation.

b. Frequency: You can edit your Will as per your wishes.

C. Transparent pricing: QuikDox offers transparent pricing, so you know exactly what you’re paying for up front without any hidden fees. 

Protecting your data and privacy Data

Security and privacy are of utmost importance when using an online platform for legal documentation. QuikDox takes these concerns seriously and implements strict security measures:

 A. Encryption: QuikDox uses industry standard encryption to protect your personal financial information from unauthorized access. 

B. Data Storage: Your data is securely stored, and QuikDox does not disclose your information to third parties without your consent.

C. Compliance: QuikDox complies with data protection laws, ensuring your privacy.

Keeping your Will safe

Once you’ve customized QuikDox, it’s important to store it safely. Here are some suggestions: 

A. Physical copy: Store physical copy of your will in a safe and accessible place.

B. Executor and Beneficiaries: Depending on your comfort, inform your beneficiaries and the executor of the Will of the location and location of your will, if any. 

C. Digital storage: Save a digital copy of your will on a secure external drive or cloud storage service, provided with instructions to access your executor. 


Drafting your will is an important step in responsible estate planning, and QuikDox offers a simple and cost-effective solution. This online platform streamlines the process, ensuring that your wishes are legal and up-to-date. With QuikDox, you can control your estate plans and give you and your loved ones peace of mind. Embark on your journey to a safer future with QuikDox

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